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Bose system
Club Installations
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Contact us: 814-657-3958 Call or Text. E-mail sing4bigdog@hotmail.com
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The Bose L1 PAS System

Click here for music

All of our events outside of taverns include the Bose L1 cylindrical radiator, state of the art  speaker system. You have never heard anything like this before. See the bose page link on the left hand side of this page for more info!

BIG DOG KARAOKE has been  a proud member of the Venango Area Chamber of Commerce  since 2005.
Reasonable rates...years of experience and many happy couples!  Your choice of music, karaoke, and lighting.  We work hard to play the music you & your guests want.  Special requests gladly accepted!




A little bit about us...

DJ & karaoke available for weddings, graduations, anniversaries, reunions, any type of party, & special occasions of any kind!
BIG DOG Karaoke & DJ Service is one of the fastest growing, most sought after karaoke companies in Northwestern Pennsylvania.  Why?  Because we provide Quality Music, Quality Sound, and Professional Personnel.
We have a  large library of music  with  Thousands of songs to choose from!!!!
  Just ask for your selection and your request will go directly into our computer for a database search.  Chances are very good that we will have it in  just seconds!
We have music for all ages.  We have country, jazz, rock, TV themes, rap, gospel, classic, children's songs, etc.  No one has more music than the BIG DOG!

Fill out this form to check our availability.
We have several systems to serve you.

First name:
Last name:
Email address:
What type of event is this? e.g. wedding?
Zip code:
Where is your event?
Time we need to start?
Date of event?
# of guests?