Chris & Cathy,
You can use me as a reference.
When our daughters wedding was in the planing stages. There
are a great many things that you worry about. The church, invitations, food, entertainment and so many little things that
are to numerous to mention.
When it came time to book the DJ, I knew there was
many choices, but from past experiences with Big Dog. There was only one choice for us. It was so important to us that we
have Big Dog, that it was part of picking the date.
The day of the wedding, we were running late getting
to the CAC in Titusville. I'm thinking, we have to get there as soon as possible. there were a lot of people waiting on us
to arrive. When we finally got there. Cathy was at the front door to get the wedding party lined up in order. From that point
on. Big Dog just kept everything moving along very professionally I might add.
The CAC is a gymnasium the acoustics are normally bad in
that type of building, but not with Big Dogs new Bose speaker system. there is only one thing to say about it. It is awesome.
Take our advice if you want the best day for your daughter
or son, hire a professional DJ like Big Dog. We're happy we did.
Bill & Kim Otto
Bonnie & Tom Burt
PS. The CAC's manager Bob comment to me was."I have never had anyone sound as good as as they did"