When you call for a quote there are a few things I need to know first. Try to work this up on paper before you call.
Don't worry if something changes we can fix it later. You can even email this info to me with your phone number and I'll
call with a quote. sing4bigdog@hotmail.com
1. Your name
2. What type of event (it matters)
3. The date, time and location
4. Who is in charge
5. How long you expect it to last
6. Indoor or outdoor
7. What you expect
8. Age range of guest list
9. Do you require lighting (basic or club system) Cost factor
10. Does the venue have a time limit?
11. Contact info for the venue so I know when I can setup and make sure they can meet power and safety requirements.
12. where did you hear about us so I know how to advertise:)
This gives me an idea of what you need and I can factor in my time, travel, cost and equipment needed to satisfy
your requirements.